LG va lansa, la targul de electronice IFA Berlin, de la inceputul lunii septembrie, un telefon care va concura direct cu cea de-a patra generatie a phabletului Samsung Galaxy Note, ce va fi prezentata pe 3 septembrie. Modelul celor de la LG este, in fapt, o versiune a smartphone-ului G3, mai mare, mai ieftina, si cu un stylus ca al sud-coreenilor.
Botezat LG G3 Stylus, smartphone-ul ar uma sa vina cu un ecran urias, de 5,5 inchi qHD, cu o rezolutie insa suprinzator de slaba, de numai 960 x 540 pixeli, justificata probabil de mentinerea pretului ( neanuntat oficial) sub cel al principalului sau rival, Galaxy Note 4.
In carcasa de 163 de grame, LG G3 Stylus a inclus un procesor de 1.3 GHz Quad-Core, doar 1 GB de RAM si un spatiu de stocare de 8 GB, extensibil prin MicroSD.
Telefonul are o camera de 13 MP, fara senzorul laser de pe G3, o baterie de 3000 mAh si ruleaza Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
Interesant este si faptul ca LG G3 Stylus nu este capabil sa ruleze in reteaua 4G-LTE.
De altfel “pretul exceptional”, asa cum l-a numit seful LG, Jong-seok Park, in comunicatul de mai jos, pare sa fie cheia cu care LG spera sa deschida portofelele cat mai multor clienti pentru care Galaxy Note 4 va fi prea scump.
La aceasta configuratie, demna de Galaxy Note 2, expertii spun ca probabil doar pretul va face diferenta. La 200 de euro, si-ar gasi clienti. Peste acest nivel, sansele scad proportional.
Toate detaliile despre telefon le aflati din comunicatul oficial LG, de mai jos.
SEOUL, Aug. 26, 2014 — Following the recently introduced G3 Beat and G Vista, LG Electronics (LG) today announced another new device with DNA borrowed from the acclaimed LG G3. The LG G3 Stylus is a pen-enabled smartphone that offers a large display and many of the premium user experience (UX) features of the G3 all in a fairly-priced package.
The G3 Stylus comes equipped with an expansive 5.5-inch qHD display and boasts the same Floating Arc tapered edges, thin bezels and metallic skin design first introduced in the LG G3. The proprietary RubberdiumTM stylus pen feels comfortable in any hand and is perfect for effortless jotting, doodling and sketching with precision. Pre-loaded programs and apps for both productivity and entertainment also lets users seamlessly switch between work and play.
In a category all its own, the LG G3 Stylus offers users many of the smart, simple yet premium features of the LG G3 at a fair price without compromising quality. The device is equipped with LG’s proven 13MP camera that carries over many of the UX features from the G3, such as Touch & Shoot, Gesture Shot, and Front Camera Light. With its large capacity 3,000mAh removable battery, LG G3 Stylus owners can be confident of an extended multimedia experience.
Key features that make users enjoy more the G3 Stylus include:
■ QuickMemo+ combines Quickmemo, Memo and Notebook apps for simple content capture and sharing.
■ Dual Window divides the expansive screen into two separate windows for easy and effective multitasking.
■ Smart Keyboard intuitively adjusts to users’ typing patterns for faster input with fewer mistakes, reducing errors by up to 75 percent.
■ Touch & Shoot lets users simply touch anywhere on the display to focus and shoot, reducing a two-step process to just one.
■ Gesture Shot allows users to take easy selfies by simply opening and closing one’s hand in front of the lens to start a three-second countdown before the shutter is triggered.
■ Knock CodeTM unlocks the device in one easy step with a personalized “knock” pattern for both convenience and security.
“With its exceptional hardware and exceptional price that can’t be beat, the LG G3 Stylus is in a category all by itself,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of the LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company. “The LG G3 Stylus is the perfect tool for consumers who don’t want to be bogged down carrying a laptop, tablet and smartphone. It gets things done and lets you have fun while doing without having to compromise on quality, style or user experience.”
LG will roll out the G3 Stylus in 3G markets starting in Brazil in September followed by countries in Asia, Middle East and Africa and CIS. Prices and details of availability will be announced locally at the time of launch. Visitors to IFA are encouraged to come see the LG G3 Stylus for themselves at LG’s booth in Hall 11.2 of Messe Berlin.
Key Specifications:
■ Chipset: 1.3 GHz Quad-Core
■ Display: 5.5-inch qHD IPS (960 x 540)
■ Memory: 8 GB / 1 GB RAM/ MicroSD slot
■ Camera: Rear 13MP/ Front 1.3MP
■ Battery: 3,000mAh (removable)
■ Operating System: Android 4.4.2 KitKat
■ Size: 149.3 x 75.9 x 10.2mm
■ Weight: 163g
■ Network: 3G
■ Colors: Black / White/ Gold
■ Other: Stylus Pen