Yahoo a anunţat, oficial, că peste 500 de milioane de conturi au fost compromise de un atac informatic cu origini necunoscute. Hackerii ar fi furat date despre clienţii Yahoo, de la nume, adrese de email, numere de telefon, zile de nastere, parole şi alte date securizate, relatează
Interesant este că, în mesajul transmis investitorilor, Yahoo recunoaşte că a ţinut atacul informatic la secret, deşi a avut loc în a doua parte a anului 2014. Yahoo afirmă că, din investigaţiile realizate, niciun fel de date bancare nu au fost furate sau folosite de hackeri.
Atacul asupra celor 500 de milioane de conturi Yahoo devine, astfel, cel mai mare act infracţional informatic din istorie. Precedentul record era deţinut de Myspace, de unde hackerii au reuşit să fure date de la 360 de milioane de conturi şi 427 milioane de parole, relatează BusinessInsider.
Potrivit analiştilor, anunţul Yahoo ar putea avea implicaţii importante în preluarea Yahoo de către Verizon, afacere evaluată la 4,8 miliarde de dolari.
Urmăriţi, mai jos, mesajul integral trimis de Yahoo investitorilor:
„A recent investigation by Yahoo! Inc. has confirmed that a copy of certain user account information was stolen from the company’s network in late 2014 by what it believes is a state-sponsored actor. The account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers. The ongoing investigation suggests that stolen information did not include unprotected passwords, payment card data, or bank account information; payment card data and bank account information are not stored in the system that the investigation has found to be affected. Based on the ongoing investigation, Yahoo believes that information associated with at least 500 million user accounts was stolen and the investigation has found no evidence that the state-sponsored actor is currently in Yahoo’s network. Yahoo is working closely with law enforcement on this matter.
„Yahoo is notifying potentially affected users and has taken steps to secure their accounts. These steps include invalidating unencrypted security questions and answers so that they cannot be used to access an account and asking potentially affected users to change their passwords. Yahoo is also recommending that users who haven’t changed their passwords since 2014 do so.
„Yahoo encourages users to review their online accounts for suspicious activity and to change their password and security questions and answers for any other accounts on which they use the same or similar information used for their Yahoo account. The company further recommends that users avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious emails and that they be cautious of unsolicited communications that ask for personal information. Additionally, Yahoo asks users to consider using Yahoo Account Key, a simple authentication tool that eliminates the need to use a password altogether.
„Online intrusions and thefts by state-sponsored actors have become increasingly common across the technology industry. Yahoo and other companies have launched programs to detect and notify users when a company strongly suspects that a state-sponsored actor has targeted an account. Since the inception of Yahoo’s program in December 2015, independent of the recent investigation, approximately 10,000 users have received such a notice.
„Additional information will be available on the Yahoo Security Issue FAQs page, beginning at 11:30 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on September 22, 2016.”