Urmatorul joc “Lord of the Rings” va fi intitulat “Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor”, iar actiunea va avea loc intre “The Hobbit” si “Lord of the Rings”
Este anuntul oficial facut de Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Jocul, care nu se va baza pe povestea scrisa de JRR Tolkien, va fi dezvoltat de Monolith (Guardians of Middle-Earth).
Jocul va fi lansat in versiunile pentru PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 si PS4. Mai multe detalii aflati din comunicatul de presa de mai jos.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, a next-gen, third-person action game set in the legendary Tolkien universe of Middle-earth. In Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, players explore an original story of vengeance and redemption as they take control of Talion, a ranger whose family is murdered at the hands of Sauron and his army the night they return to Mordor.
Developed for next-gen consoles, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordorintroduces the Nemesis System, a powerful and dynamic gameplay mechanic that allows players’ actions to shape enemy relationships and characteristics to create personal and unique story and gameplay arcs that are persistent even after death. Players experience a unique game every time as the dynamic world reacts and adapts to their choices.