Samsung a lansat luni seara, la Mobile World Congress de la Barcelona, mult asteptatul Samsung Galaxy S5. Asa cum anticipam, a cincea generatie a smartphonului Galaxy vS vine cu un profil in stilul clasic al lui S2 si performante tehnice de top.
Samsung Galaxy S5 masoara 142.0 x 72.5 x 8.1mm si cantareste 145g, fiind astfel mai mare si mai greu decat Galaxy S4 (136.6 x 69.8 x 7.9 mm / 130g).
Telefonul are o carcasa dintr-un plastic perforat care arata bine la prima vedere. Nu este insa nici pe departe cea premium la care se astepta toata lumea.
Din relatarile celor care au testat-o, carcasa este net superioara celei de pe Galaxy S4 insa sub nivelul celei de pe Galaxy Note 3.
O alta surpriza o reprezinta ecranul. Samsung Galaxy S5 vine cu un display 5.1″ Super AMOLED, extrem de luminos si performant, insa fara rezolutie quad HD.
Telefonul ruleaza un procesor 2.5GHz quad core (Snapdragon 800), 2GB de RAM, are un spatiu de stocare de 16 respectiv 32GB extensibil prin microSD slot cu inca 64 GB, doua camere, una de 2 MP, frontala, si alta de 16MP, si o baterie de 2800 mAh.
Samsung afirma ca bateria, mai mica decat cea la care ne asteptam, va asigura o autonomie de 21 de ore de convorbire, 390 de ore in stand-by, 10 ore de browsing pe net si 12 ore de vazut filme.
In ceea ce priveste spatiul de stocare, sistemul de operare si aplicatiile Samsung ocupa 8GB, asa ca, daca veti dori sa cumparati varianta de 16 GB, va trebui sa va ganditi serios la un SDcard.
Camera de 16 MP de pe Samsung Galaxy S5 vine cu noi lentile cu un autofocus hybrid, de trei ori mai performant decat versiunile anterioare, si cu un sensor de luminozitate imbunatatit care ii permite sa faca poze de o calitate buna chiar si cand este intuneric.
Camera frontala beneficiaza de asemenea de o optiune Selective Focus care permite o experienta de chat mult imbunatatita.
Telefonul ruleaza, bineinteles, Android 4.4.2 KitKat cu cea mai noua versiune TouchWiz.
O alta noutate adusa de Samsung Galaxy S5, spre deosebire de modelele anterioare, este certificarea IP67, care il face rezistent la apa si praf.
Samsung Galaxy S5 vine si cu mult asteptatul senzor de amprenta, similar celui de pe iPhone, dar si cu un senzor in premiera care monitorizeaza ritmul cardiac, amplasat langa flash-ul camerei foto-video. Pentru a afla cum stai cu pulsul, nu tebuie decat sa pui degetul pe senzor si aplicatia dedicata iti va arata toate informatiile.
Samsung Galaxy S5 vine, totodata, cu noul port USB 3.0, lansat odata cu Note 3. Telefonul va fi disponibil inca de la lansare in patru culori (negru, albastru, auriu si alb).
La capitolul conexiune de internet, Samsung Galaxy S5 prezinta suport pentru noua tehnologie wireless 802.11ac MIMO, care permite o rata de transfer de date de pana la 867Mbps, dubla fata de deja clasica 802.11ac (433Mbps).
In plus, in versiunea de date mobile 4 LTE, Samsung a dotat telefonul cu o tehnologie « download booster » care permite rate de trasfer de pana la 150 Mbps, folosindu-se de Wi-Fi si LTE simultan pentru a gasi cea mai buna viteza.
Samsung Galaxy S5 este dotat, bineinteles, cu Bluetooth 4.0 si NFC, dar si cu modului IR blaster care permite utilizatorului sa foloseasca telefonul pe post de telecomanda pentru televizor.
Cum era de asteptat, telefonul este compatibil cu seria de smartwatch-uri Galaxy Gear, Gear 2 si Gear 2 Neo, dar si cu noua bratara de fitness Gear Fit. Telefonul va fi lansat pe 11 aprilie, la nivel international.
Pretul telefonului nu a fost anuntat.
Iata specificatiile in detaliu:
Samsung Galaxy S5 Product Specifications:
Network | LTE Cat.4 (150/50Mbps) |
Display | 5.1” FHD Super AMOLED (1920 x 1080) |
AP | 2.5GHz Quad core application processor |
OS | Android 4.4.2 (Kitkat) |
Camera | 16MP (rear), 2.0MP (front) |
Video | UHD@30fps, HDR, video stabilizationVideo Codec : H.263, H.264(AVC), MPEG4, VC-1, Sorenson Spark, MP43, WMV7, WMV8, VP8Video Format: MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, WEBM |
Audio | Audio Codec : MP3, AMR-NB/WB, AAC/ AAC+/ eAAC+, WMA, Vorbis, FLACAudio Format: MP3, M4A, 3GA, AAC, OGG, OGA, WAV, WMA, AMR, AWB, FLAC, MID, MIDI, XMF, MXMF, IMY, RTTTL, RTX, OTA |
Camera Features | HDR (Rich tone), Selective Focus, Virtual Tour Shot, Shot&More |
Additional Features | IP67 Dust and water Resistant |
Ultra Power Saving Mode | |
Download Booster | |
S Health 3.0 | |
Quick Connect | |
Private Mode | |
Kids Mode | |
Google Mobile Services | Chrome, Drive, Photos, Gmail, Google, Google+, Google Settings, Hangouts, Maps, Play Books, Play Games, Play Newsstand, Play Movie & TV, Play Music, Play Store, Voice Search, YouTube |
Connectivity | WiFi: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac HT80, MIMO(2×2) Bluetooth®: 4.0 BLE / ANT+ USB: USB 3.0 NFC IR Remote |
Sensor | Accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer, Hall, RGB ambient light, Gesture(IR), Finger Scanner, Heart rate sensor |
Memory | RAM: 2GB Internal Memory: 16/32GB microSD slot upto 64GB |
Dimension | 142.0 x 72.5 x 8.1mm, 145g |
Battery | 2800mAh Standby time: 390 hrs / Talk time: 21 hrs |
Mai multe detalii aflati din comunicatul de presa de mai jos.
Samsung unveils Galaxy S5 to focus on what matters most to consumers The company’s 5th generation Galaxy S redefines how technology innovation enhances our lives Barcelona, Spain, February 24, 2014 – Samsung Electronics today announced the fifth generation of the Galaxy S series, the Galaxy S5, designed for what matters most to consumers. The new Galaxy S5 offers consumers a refined experience with innovation of essential features for day-to-day use. “With the Galaxy S5, Samsung is going back to basics to focus on delivering the capabilities that matter most to our consumers,” said JK Shin, President and Head of IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung. “Consumers are looking for mobile tools that inspire and support them as they improve their everyday lives. The Galaxy S5 represents an iconic design with essential and useful features to focus on delivering the ultimate smartphone on the market today through people inspired innovation.” The Galaxy S5 combines an advanced camera, the fast network connectivity, dedicated fitness tools and enhanced device protection features as consumers stay fit and connected in style. Capture the moments that matter Capturing and saving precious memories is one of the most important smartphone features today. The new Galaxy S5 offers superior camera functionality, featuring a 16 megapixel camera with an enhanced menu and user interface that allow consumers to effortlessly take, edit and share photos. The Galaxy S5 offers the world’s fastest autofocus speed up to 0.3 seconds and the advanced High Dynamic Range (HDR), reproduce natural light and color with striking intensity at any circumstances. Also new Selective Focus feature allows users to focus on a specific area of an object while simultaneously blurring out the background. With this capability, consumers no longer need a special lens kit to create a shallow depth of field (DOF) effect. Tap into the fastest connections The Galaxy S5 offers the most advanced LTE experience and Wi-Fi performance available today, ensuring blazing fast data speeds for unrivaled media consumption and productivity. The Galaxy S5 supports the fifth generation Wi-Fi 802.11ac and 2X2 MIMO, and supporting the large number of LTE frequency with LTE Category 4 standard. For consumers seeking an even faster connection, the Galaxy S5 now features Download Booster, an innovative Wi-Fi technology for boosting data speed by bonding Wi-Fi and LTE simultaneously. No matter where a consumer is, the Galaxy S5 will help ensure they have the fastest available connection. Be more fit and active With the enhanced S Health 3.0, the new Galaxy S5 offers more tools to help people stay fit and well. It provides a comprehensive personal fitness tracker to help users monitor and manage their behavior, along with additional tools including a pedometer, diet and exercise records, and a new, built-in heart rate monitor. Galaxy S5 users can further customize their experience with an enriched third party app ecosystem and the ability to pair with next generation Gear products for real-time fitness coaching. Express modern, glam look The Galaxy S5 blends iconic Samsung design with modern trends to appeal to a range of consumer tastes and interests. The Galaxy S5 features a perforated pattern on the back cover creating a modern glam look. Its new sleek, contoured shape comes in an array of vivid colors, including charcoal Black, shimmery White, electric Blue and copper Gold, to complement the style of the individual consumer. Essential device protection The Galaxy S5 is IP67 dust and water resistant. It also offers a Finger Scanner, providing a secure, biometric screen locking feature and a seamless and safe mobile payment experience to consumers. The Ultra Power Saving Mode turns the display to black and white, and shuts down all unnecessary features to minimize the battery consumption. The device will be available globally through Samsung’s retail channels, e-commerce and carriers on April. Full details and product images are available at