Evolutia tehnologica a ajuns la un punct la care toate obiectele din jurul nostru pot fi, teoretic, clonate, in numai cateva minute, cu ajutorul unei imprimante 3D. De la simple scule, la jucarii, dinti si chiar clone umane in miniatura, demonstratiile facute cu noua tehnologie arata ca imposibilul devine, pe zi ce trece, tot mai posibil.
O tehnologie aflata intr-o continua dezvoltare si care permite utilizatorilor sa creeze replici ale produselor scanate cu ajutorul unor polimeri speciali.
Daca pana acum, performantele erau destul de limitate, odata cu dezvoltarea tehnologiei, s-a ajuns la rezultate cu adevarat remarcabile. Iar pretul acestor imprimante a scazut puternic.
MakerBot a lansat, la Consumer Electronic Show de la Los Angeles, imprimanta 3D Replicator. Gadgetul vine cu o noua tehnologie care permite utilizatorilor sa printeze in plastic in doua culori diferite diverse obiecte de dimensiuni reduse.
Imprimanta creaza replici ale obiectelor 3D din PC, prin aplicarea de straturi succesive dintr-un praf special realizat, in general din nylon, aluminiu si sticla.
Imprimanta costa intre 1749.99 si 1999.99 dolari.O prezentare detaliata a gadgetului o puteti urmari in clipul de mai jos. Pentru cei intreresati de acest model, aflati detalii si din comunicatul de presa atasat.
Cititi si materialul GadgetReport.ro intitulat «Imprimanta 3D. Cum sa iti clonezi lucrurile de care ai nevoie»
January 10, 2012 (Brooklyn, NY) – MakerBot Industries is excited to announce the launch of its latest product, The MakerBot Replicator™, which will debut at CES in Las Vegas, NV on Tuesday, January 10th. Available in the MakerBot store for pre-order today!
The MakerBot Replicator™ is the ultimate personal 3D printer, with MakerBot Dualstrusion™ (2-color printing) and a bigger printing footprint, giving you the superpower to print things BIG! Assembled inBrooklynby skilled technicians, the MakerBot Replicator™ is ready within minutes to start printing right out of the box. Starting at $1749, The MakerBot Replicator™ is an affordable, open source 3D printer that is compact enough to sit on your desktop. Want to print in two colors? Choose the Dualstrusion™ option!
With a build envelope that’s roughly the size of a loaf of bread, The MakerBot Replicator™ gives you the power to go big. Make an entire chess set with the press of a button. Friends, classmates, co-workers, and family will see the things you make and say “Wow!”
The MakerBot Replicator™ creates anything you can imagine with the new MakerBot Stepstruder™ MK8, the extruder is the part of the machine that turns raw feedstock, like ABS (what Lego® is made of) or PLA (a biodegradable material made from corn), into the objects you desire. You can order your MakerBot Replicator™ with single or dual MakerBot Stepstruders on it. By choosing the dual extrusion option, you’ll print with two different colors at the same time. MakerBot Dualstrusion™ unlocks the ability to make beautiful combinations of colors and opens the door to experimenting with with multi-material objects.
The MakerBot Replicator™ is ideal for personalized manufacturing, providing a new way to make the things you want and need. It is also an essential tool for children and students; parents and educators with a MakerBot Replicator™ offer the next generation an opportunity to learn the digital designing skills required to solve the problems of the future. Students with access to a MakerBot have an edge in the future job market. Just like the youth of the 1980’s, who had access to computers, children with access to a MakerBot Replicator™ will become the leaders who make a better tomorrow.
The MakerBot Replicator™ is the tool from tomorrow, today. In the two years since the company was founded, the capabilities of a MakerBot have grown from printing cupcake-sized objects in 2009 to printing things as large as an entire loaf of bread today on on the MakerBot Replicator™. MakerBot Industries continues to demonstrate its dedication to putting the tools of creativity into the hands of the those brilliant and bold enough to bring their imagination into the physical world.