Samsung a anuntat lansarea a doua noi smartphone-uri cu Android, ieftine si dedicate in special tinerilor. Galaxy Young si Galaxy Fame vin cu specificatii tehnice destul de bune pentru un utilizator fara prea mari pretentii si, probabil, cu preturi pe masura. Ambele telefoane sunt dedicate tinerilor.
Galaxy Young are un ecran de 3.27-inch, cu rezolutia de 480 x 320 pixeli, un procesor de 1GHz, 768MB memorie RAM si un spatiu de stocare de 4 GB, extensibil prin microSD.
Telefonul are o camera de 3 MP, ce inregistreaza video la 24fps, si ruleaza Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. La capitolul dotari, telefonul mai include, printre altele, Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi, A-GPS, digital compass si o baterie de 1,300mAh.
Cel de-al doilea telefon anuntat, Galaxy Fame are specificatii similare, cu exceptia ecranului ceva mai mare, de 3.5-inch, camerei foto de 5 megapixeli si memoriei de numai 512MB RAM. Telefonul aduce, in plus, optional, functia NFC.
Ambele telefoane vor fi disponibile si in varianta dual-SIM, in functie de regiune. Niciun cuvant, pentru moment, legat de lansarea in magazine si pretul acestora.
Aveti mai jos comunicatul de presa care anunta lansarea celor doua telefoane.
SEOUL, Korea – February 4, 2013 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, today announced the Samsung GALAXY Young and Samsung GALAXY Fame. The GALAXY Young, available in white, deep blue, wine red and metallic silver, is a smart and affordable Android playmate for the younger, stylish generation of mobile users. The GALAXY Fame, available in pearl white and metallic blue, combines powerful performance with an essential suite of features and services, all packed within a stylish design.• The GALAXY Young and GALAXY Fame offer a smart and intelligent user experience powered by Android™4.1 (JellyBean), which enables seamless screen transitions between apps and taking and sharing photos and customizing yourhome screen easier. Powered by a 1GHz processor, these new phones ensure swift operating speeds for smoothmultitasking, fast webpage loading and soft UI transitions. Also, with 4GB of internal storage and a 1,300mAh batterycapacity, users can enjoy extended multimedia use and longer talk time. Connectivity through Wi-Fi Direct allows easycontent sharing between nearby devices.• Completing the smartphone experience, the GALAXY Young and GALAXY Fame come preloaded with Samsung GameHub Lite, which allows easy access to fully optimized, best in class games for these devices. Samsung’s devicemanagement software, S Cloud, provides safe and simple syncing, back-up and storage options for information suchas contacts, bookmarks, and SMS.• These new devices also understand your movements with their intuitive Motion UI. Simply shake the devices to refreshand update widgets and other content. If you are unable to take a call, you can just turn over the device to mute the ringer.• The GALAXY Young and GALAXY Fame will be available in two versions depending on the market. The additional valueof a Dual SIM delivers the convenience of two phone numbers for calling, texting and web usage at work or play. Withthe Always On feature, you never miss a call with call forwarding to the other SIM. And Hybrid Dual SIM lets you use 3Gdata on one SIM while receiving a call on the other SIM.Samsung GALAXY Young• With a compact, curved frame, the GALAXY Young has been designed with an ergonomic style and finished with simpleclean lines, providing a comfortable grip. Beyond its chic design, the 3.27” full touch HVGA resolution screen makesviewing photos, messages and multimedia clear and detailed. Dropbox gives access to your files wherever you are;you can edit photos and videos, upload and share freely with family and friends.Samsung GALAXY Fame• The Samsung GALAXY Fame is a stylish device coupled with a sophisticated, simple and powerful user experience.With a 5 megapixel camera, users can capture precious everyday moments. It comes with Bluetooth® 4.0, allowing forthe GALAXY Fame to instantly share information with other Bluetooth enabled devices. Also equipped with NFC, theGALAXY Fame allows easy sharing via S Beam with other Samsung smartphones by simply touching two differentdevices’ backs.