Viitorul apartine gadgeturilor cu ecrane flexibile, indestructibile. Dupa ce Samsung a anuntat ca dezvolta deja mai multe astfel de produse, primul urmand sa fie, cel mai probabil, noul Samsung Galaxy S5, si LG se pregateste sa intre in noua era OLED.
LG a anuntat, intr-un comunicat de presa, ca va incepe productia primelor ecrane OLED, flexibile, pentru smartphone-uri.
Acestea vor avea dimensiunea de 6 inchi si vor echipa noile generatii de gadgeturi ce urmeaza sa fie lansate de companie.
Potrivit Engdadget, primul astfel de telefon cu ecran flexibil ar urma sa fie prezentat luna viitoare si va purta numele de cod G Flex.
Gadgetul ar urma sa ajunga pe piata in 2014. Mai multe amanunte aflati din comunicatul de presa de mai jos.
Anuntul privind lansarea ecranului curbat a fost facut de D.J. Lee, directorul de marketing Samsung, in cadrul evenimentului de lansare a Galaxy Note 3 pe piata sud-coreeana.
Un prototip al telefonului curbat a fost prezentat recent de Samsung. Il puteti vedea in clipul de mai jos.
Ecranul de tip OLED va fi mult mai rezistent la zgarieturi si socuri decat cele din prezent. In plus va creste spectaculos autonomia telefonului in conditiile in care va consuma mult mai putina energie decat ecranul clasic, folosit in prezent.
Potrivit , noul tip de ecran este precursorul ecranelor flexibile din plastic pe care Samsung urmeaza sa le lanseze anul viitor.
Samsung, LG, Philips, Sharp, Sony si Nokia lucreaza de cativa ani la lansarea primelor smartphone-uri cu ecrane flexibile OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode). Gadgeturile ”Flexible Display” le vom vedea, cel mai probabil, in primul trimestru din 2014, fie sub forma unor telefoane, tablete sau alte gadgeturi ce necesita ecrane.
Noile ecrane au aparut pe surse inca din 2010. Urmariti cat sunt de rezistente
Mai jos aveti un clip video care prezinta primele gadgeturi cu ecrane OLED.
LG Display Mass-Produces World’s First Flexible OLED Panel for Smartphones
LG Display, the world’s leading innovator of display technologies, today announced that it will start mass-production of the world’s first flexible OLED panel for smartphones. This state-of-the-art panel represents another milestone following the company’s commercial rollout of the world’s first 55-inch OLED TV display earlier this year.
„LG Display is launching a new era of flexible displays for smartphones with its industry-leading technology,” said Dr. Sang Deog Yeo, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of LG Display. „The flexible display market is expected to grow quickly as this technology is expected to expand further into diverse applications including automotive displays, tablets and wearable devices. Our goal is to take an early lead in the flexible display market by introducing new products with enhanced performance and differentiated designs next year.”
LG Display’s flexible OLED panel is built on plastic substrates instead of glass. By applying film-type encapsulation technology and attaching the protection film to the back of the panel, LG Display made the panel bendable and unbreakable. The new display is vertically concave from top to bottom with a radius of 700mm, opening up a world of design innovations in the smartphone market. And only 0.44mm thin, LG Display’s flexible OLED panel is the world’s slimmest among existing mobile device panels. What’s more, it is also the world’s lightest, weighing a mere 7.2g even with a 6-inch screen, the largest among current smartphone OLED displays.
In March 2012 LG Display developed the world’s first 6-inch Electronic Paper Display (EPD) based on e-ink which utilizes a plastic backplane. Having previously showcased the world’s first curved 55-inch OLED TV panel at CES 2013, today’s announcement highlights the company’s leading position in advanced flexible display technologies.
According to research firm IHS Display Bank, the global flexible display industry will see dramatic growth and become a USD 1.5 billion market by 2016, exceeding USD 10 billion by 2019. LG Display plans to advance flexible display technologies and bring innovation to consumers’ daily lives with the introduction of rollable and foldable displays in various sizes.