Sammobile a prezentat o prima versiune, neoficiala, a sistemului de operare Android 4.2.2 pentru smartphone-ul Samsung Galaxy S 3. Aceasta aduce cele mai importante functii lansate odata cu Galaxy S4.
Detalii despre noutatile aduse de Android 4.2.2 aflati din clipul video de mai jos. Daca va intereseaza sa descarcati si sa instalati varianta de software propusa de Sammobile, intrati pe acest link.
Atentie, insa. Aceasta varianta ar putea sa va afecteze telefonul asa ca cel mai bine ar fi sa asteptati update-ul oficial, ce ar urma sa vina in aceasta luna.
Iata lista completa a noilor facilitati aduse de Android 4.2.2
– Android 4.2.2 – Build ID: JDQ39
– New S4 Lockscreen: Multiple Widgets, two Unlock effects (Ripple and Light), improved ripple effect than Android 4.1.2, ability to change clock size and set a personal message
– New Screen modes (From S4): Adapt Display and Professional Photo
– Daydream
– Driving mode
– Actionable notifications
– New Additions in Notification Center
– Completely revamped Settings UI (Tabbed interface – Exactly like the S4)
– Addition of Voice controls (Let’s you control various parts of the phone using voice commands – Galaxy S4 feature)
– Gallery modes have white background (When changing gallery modes to 3D the background changes to white)
– Full screen Samsung apps
– New S-Voice (from S4)
– New smart switch widget